How I Met Your Mother is an American sitcom that originally aired on CBS from September 19th, 2005, to March 31st, 2014. The series follows the main character, Ted Mosby, and his group of friends in Manhattan. (Marshall, Lily, Barney and Robin). As a framing device, Ted, in the year 2030, recounts to his son and daughter the events that led him to meeting their mother.
I like this series because it is very funny and romantic, it is capable to show the complex of life. My favorite episode is the first one, because in this episode the main character, Ted Mosby, declares his love to Robin Scherbatsk, later this girl, turns to the important character of TV show.
A lot of people said to me that I should to see this series. Maybe someday I will do :)
ResponderEliminarMaybe, and just maybe it`s better not to finish that show, many disliked it, and you can mantain your good memories of the show.